Last updated: 01/06/2024

This website is created with Hugo static site generator and PaperMod theme, hosted on Cloudflare Pages.

This website uses a self-hosted instance of Umami Analytics to collect Anonymized, non Personal Identifying Information to track overall website traffic. See Umami Analytics FAQ. Nothing from Umami Analytics collect can be used to track individuals, as all the data is in aggregate only. Data collected includes referral sources, top pages, visit duration, information from the devices (device type, operating system, country and browser) used during the visit. The collected data is publicly visible here. I don’t care who you are, I just want to see the site traffic.

This website also uses cookies to save your preferences. More specifically, a cookie is used to save your light/dark mode choice.

Additionally, this website uses cookies for commenting purpose. This only occurs if you choose to Sign in with GitHub to comment with giscus, A comments system powered by GitHub Discussions. On successful sign-in, a server-encrypted token will be stored in your browser’s local storage. On every subsequent load of the website, the token will be decrypted by our server to let you create authenticated requests to the GitHub API. The cookies is ONLY used to keep you signed in with giscus. See giscus Privacy Policy and GitHub General Privacy Statement. The comment section may contains link to other websites, especially GitHub. When you click on the website link, you should read the website’s privacy policy.

It is possible that PaperMod, Hugo and Cloudflare Pages may collect information that I’m not aware of. Beyond that, no information is collected, stored and/or processed.

This website’s source code is publicly available and can be viewed on GitHub.